Expressions of Interest are open for local businesses to apply for the SPARK Business Collaborative Residency and Support initiative.

To be part of the SPARK initiative, a program of 12 months in duration, you must first submit this completed EOI. If your application meets the criteria, and your business aligns with the program, you will be invited for an interview to discuss your application and business further.

Upon successful completion of the EOI and Interview process, the potential new Member Business will be offered residency, which will begin on the agreed start date, and end 12 months from this date.

Privacy Statement

Your personal information is being collected by Wyndham City Council for the purpose of administering your expression of interest in the Innovation Hub Program.  Any personal information you provide as part of your expression of interest will be stored and processed by Council. The information provided will be used by Council to identify you when communicating with Council and may be published in promoting Innovation Hub programs.  By submitting your expression of interest, you agree to your personal information being stored, used, disclosed and published in accordance with the Innovation Hub EOI Terms and Conditions. For further information on how your personal information is handled, visit Council's Privacy Statement.

Your Details
Preferred Contact Number Type (required)
Your business
Which of the following best describes your business (required)
Which best describes the employment status of your business
Which best describes your income stream (required)
Goods and Services Taxation Status of your business (select one)
When did the business transact its first sale (select one)
Has your business completed an annual taxation return?
Does your business hold public liability insurance?
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx.
Which sentence best describes your business status and aspirations (select one)
How would you best describe your business’s utilisation of digital technology (select one)
Wyndham’s Innovation Hub will be delivering a series of networking events and business development workshops, seminars and mentoring sessions. Would you be interested in participating in these programs? (select one)
How did you FIRST learn of SPARK and the EOI process (required)
Now, select ALL the ways you heard about the SPARK EOI process? (required)

By submitting an EOI to participate in Council’s Innovation Hub, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with other documents and information relating to the Innovation Hub, including your EOI and the information made available on Council’s website.


    1.1 To be eligible to submit an EOI, you must be the owner of a business that:

    (a) has a current active ABN with the registered business address being in Wyndham; and
    (b) does not have any electronic gaming machines at its premises.

    1.2 Council staff, Councillors and their immediate family members are not eligible to apply.


    2.1 To submit an EOI, you must submit a properly completed form on Council’s website at….

    2.2 You agree to immediately notify Council of any changes to your EOI, including the request to withdraw your EOI, by email to

    2.3 Council accepts no responsibility for late, lost, incomplete, invalid or corrupt EOIs.


    3.1 EOIs will be assessed by a Council officers based on the following assessment criteria:

    (a) cultural fit and willingness to participate in Innovation Hub programs;
    (b) evidence of a sound business model;
    (c) evidence of previous investment to support business development and growth;
    (d) evidence that the business has potential for accelerated growth and commercial scalability;
    (e) evidence that the business’s technology is new, or significantly enhanced, or adaptive to meet existing market or new market needs; and
    (f) alignment with Council’s economic development strategy including capacity to develop business innovation and entrepreneurial capacity.

    3.2 Council may contact applicants and require them to participate in an interview, time and date to be agreed.

    3.3 Following the conclusion of interviews (if any), Council will determine the successful applicants to participate in the Innovation Hub.

    3.4 Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by Council.

    3.5 Applicants acknowledge and agree that Council is not bound to accept any EOI.


    Successful applicants acknowledge and agree that:

    4.1 prior to occupying the Innovation Hub, they must enter into a licence with Council and comply with its terms, including payment of the licence fee, participating in programs and events offered by Council and occupying the licensed area for at least 24 hours per week during their licence term;

    4.2 Council will grant a maximum of 50 licences for the Innovation Hub at any one time; and

    4.3 the maximum term for a licence granted to a successful applicant will be 24 months.


    5.1 Council recommends that successful applicants hold and maintain public liability insurance in a minimum sum of $5 million per single event for the term of their licence.

    5.2 Successful applicants acknowledge and agree that if they do not hold the recommended public liability insurance specified in condition 5.1, that they may only occupy the licenced area between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm on Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) during the term of their licence.  Successful applicants further acknowledge and agree that if they do hold the recommended public liability insurance, they may request and negotiate extended hours of occupation to the licensed area during the term of their licence.


    6.1 You acknowledge and agree that you submit an EOI at your own risk and that you are entirely responsible for determining whether participating in the Innovation Hub is right for you.

    6.2 Council makes no representation about the level of business growth you may enjoy as a result of participating in the Innovation Hub.


    7.1 Nothing in these terms and conditions or in the conduct of Council and an applicant will create a relationship of agency, partnership, employer and employee or joint venture between the applicant and Council.

    7.2 Council reserves the right to change or modify these terms and conditions at any time.

    7.3 Council’s decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

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