Your personal and health information is being collected by Council for the purposes of you consenting to your (or your child’s) attendance at Youth Services Recreation Programs, Personal Development Programs and Committees.  

Your information will be stored in Council’s Customer Database and used to identify you when communicating with Council and for Council to deliver services and information to you. 

The information you provide shall remain private within Council unless disclosure is permitted by law or consented to by you.  You may apply for access and/or amendment of the information by writing to the Council’s Privacy Officer. 

For further information on how your personal and health information will be handled, refer to Council’s Privacy Policy at: 

Which program are you interested in
If you’re between the ages of 18-25 and bored, join the Wyndham City Youth Services team and meet some new young people for some Friday night fun.
Come hang out with your mates, shoot some hoops, unwind and make new friends at the Point Cook Town Centre basketball court located behind the target car park. For young people aged 12 to 25 years. Thursdays 330-530pm
A drop in program with centre-based activities and excursions (fees may apply for excursions).The program is a great opportunity to try something different, chill out, have a bite to eat and meet some new friends in a safe, supervised environment. For guys aged 12-17 years. Wednesdays 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Youth Services @ Tarneit operates two drop in programs from the second week of every school term. The Drop In programs are held on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 3:30pm – 5:30pm (When online the program runs from 4-5pm). Come and hang out with friends for fun times. Enjoy a safe space to hang out, unwind and enjoy some snacks.
Come and hang out with friends for fun times. Enjoy a safe space to hang out, unwind and enjoy some snacks. Every Wednesday 3:30pm - 5:30pm.
Come and hang out with friends for fun times. Enjoy a safe space to hang out, unwind and enjoy some snacks. Every Friday 3pm - 5pm
We're gaming every Wednesday at @ the Point Cook Community Learning Centre! The Gamer's Den is for young people between the ages of 12 to 17 years to participate in playing traditional board games and card games as well as interactive online and console games. Wednesdays 3:30pm - 5:30pm.
Jam Juction Is a free 6 weeks (6 Feb - 12 Mar) recording and song writing program for music lovers aged 17-25 years.
The Q program is for young people aged up to 25 years who might be gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, intersex, pan sexual, questioning (gender and/or sexuality) or straight. For information about the program email or call 8734 1355.
Come down to Arndell Park to get a free haircut! On Wednesdays from 4 - 6 pm. This program is address to young people aged 14 -22.
Hang out, dance and explore different cultures, arts and more! It's free for young people aged 15-25 years. Thursdays 5-8pm
Get active and fit by learning new skills at the Young Men's Self Defence program. On Thursdays from 4 - 5 pm. This program is addressed to young women aged 13 -18.
Interested Participant Details
Parent/Guardian’s Details
Best time to make contact with you (required)
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