The Wyndham Hard to Locate Sports Strategy was adopted by Council on 7 March 2017.

‘Hard to Locate Sports’ (HTLS) are defined as sports/recreation activities which do not traditionally or easily fit within an urban environment that are inherent in the activity. In Wyndham these sports have historically occupied remote facilities.

Wyndham’s population growth and associated housing development has encroached on traditionally remote facilities. Sustained population growth has also triggered a greater demand for alternate sporting options to be available to Wyndham residents, which has seen several groups approach Council seeking a facility to deliver their activity from in the future. With this in mind, the HTLS Strategy considers both the current and future provision of HTLS in Wyndham City to meet community demand.

The HTLS Strategy highlights the need for Council to yield best value from the limited land available for HTLS and presents a series of frameworks to support Council’s future decision making including:

  • An assessment criteria to inform which HTLS activities would be most appropriate to locate on Council owned/ managed land;
  • A detailed list of considerations to inform the selection of any future HTLS sites; and
  • A matrix informing which sports are most suitable for co-location.

Six strategic priorities were established following the background and context review and analysis of the issues and opportunities as they relate to HTLS.

The HTLS Strategy proposes a series of actions to be delivered to realise each strategic priority.

It is estimated that the implementation of the strategy will continue to 2027. Projects arising from the strategy and will be considered as part of council’s annual budget process.

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