The Guardians are an inflatable immersive artwork, large monolithic-like shapes that celebrate abstracted Australian Wildflowers in their design.
Visitors to the installation are invited to go on a journey through these massive forms and discover the wonderful colours and patterns of the Australian wildflower artwork. At night the beacons are illuminated from within, and some have changing lights which kinetically engage with and transforms the colours in the artworks. The artwork includes depictions of flora from all over Australia with the slivery blue tones of ghost gums in alpine areas, the hardy desert shrubs, burnt red flowers like the Sturt Desert Pea and the wonderful tropical flowers and foliage. The installation predominantly uses red and orange tones which is punctuated with tones of teal and sky blue.
Sometimes the artwork resembles landscapes and sometimes it resembles close ups of flowers. There are 16 artworks contained in this installation. The artwork was created using a combination of traditional hand rendered techniques and cutting-edge digital techniques. The overall aesthetic is luscious, varied, and dense like a jungle and full of beautiful colours. This work reminds us all of the beautiful Australian landscape and that we share a caretaker ship role to care for and nurture the environment that in return cares for and protects us. The works have a dynamic, colourful patterned impact during day, and are illuminated at night.
The impressive installation is complimented with a gentle soundscape of ambient forest noises.
Matthew creates transformative public installations that explore themes of community, identity, and inclusivity.
My areas of interest are based on the manipulation of fabric into architectural and public art outcomes. I collaborate with communities to help tell their stories in powerful ways. I have done this for the United Nations General Assembly dealing with antimicrobial resistance, empowered Aboriginal artists from the Yindjbarndi Nation in the Pilbara to share their modern day cultural practice, and told the story of the evolution of LGBTQI Rights in Australia to millions of people at the World Trade Centre Oculus, and in London and Copenhagen. Whilst most practices in my studio are intensively digital, it is vitally important that my works have a warm, human feel.
Image credit: The Guardians by artist Matthew Aberline, with the Beautiful and Useful Studio