  • Iramoo
  • Werribee
churnside new

Wyndham City will upgrade Chirnside Park in Werribee following the adoption of a Master Plan that outlines a vision for the sporting and open space precinct over the next decade.

The Master Plan will guide the potential future development of the Park and Wyndham City will implement the plan in stages based on recommended priorities identified in the plan and budget availability.

Planning and detailed design of facilities and spaces across the Park is occurring during the 2023/2024 Financial Year.

Stage 1 of implementation works includes:

  • Upgrade of Services in the Park including the electricity supply (delivery in 2025)
  • Resurfacing the southwest and southeast bowling greens at Werribee Bowls Club (works underway during 2024)
  • Tennis court renewal works (delivery in 2024-25)
  • Upgrade of tennis court floodlighting (delivery in 2024-25)
  • New Bowling Pavilion (future works)
  • New north bowls green with synthetic surface and a Canopy (future works)

Future stages are on hold pending budget availability including external sources of funding. These Stages include new car park areas, upgrade of the landscape and entry at the eastern end of the Park, upgrade works at the Football Cricket Oval Precinct, and improvements to paths and landscape areas throughout the Park.


  • New and upgraded sporting facilities and walking paths
  • Enhanced connectivity and access in and around Chirnside Park
  • Improved use of active open space

Improved landscape and tree protection

Download the Final Master Plan 

View The Loop


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