Privacy Collection Statement

Your personal information is being collected by Council to process your Town Panning Landscape Inspection. Your personal information will be stored in Council’s Customer Database and used to identify you when communicating with Council and for the delivery of services and information.  For further information on how your personal information is handled, visit Council’s Privacy Policy.                                     

Applicant Details
Landscape Inspection
Do you have an up to date and approved stamped Landscaping Plans? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

Are the approved buildings constructed in accordance with the approved development plans? (required)
Are the type, size and location of plants correct & all plants alive and growing? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

Irrigation system installed if required by permit? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

Has the correct size water tank(s) been installed in accordance with the approved plans? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

Has the 6 cubic metres of secure storage been installed in accordance with the approved plans? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

Are clothes lines provided in accordance with the approved plans? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

Letter boxes installed and in correct position within property? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

Are crossovers, driveways and parking areas completed in accordance with plans? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

Residential - Garage or carport correctly installed? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

Are all fences installed and correct materials used in accordance with the approved plans? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

Are all structures, including shared utility facilities constructed in correct the locations as shown on the approved plans? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

Is access available for the inspection officers to complete the inspection?
The development is consistent with endorsed development plans? (required)

The application can not be accepted with a NO answer.  Please contact the Subdivision Unit on 1300 023 411.

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