a group of men and women of all ages are smiling at the camera

Do you love Basketball? Did you used to play? Have you always wanted to play?

Walking Basketball is all the excitement and fun of Basketball but at a walking pace making it suitable for all ages, genders and abilities. Are you looking for a way to get fitter? Walking Basketball is great for anyone:

  • a little older, seniors are very welcome
  • recuperating from injury
  • returning to exercise post children
  • looking for fun but without high impact running and jumping

The Basketball ring is at a lower/ hip height making it more inclusive.

With a structured session practicing skills (throwing, catching, dribbling) and then playing some games you will have fun and meet others.

Keen to find out more? Watch this video of Walking Basketball

This program runs during term time. Morning tea provided afterwards!

Date and time
Upcoming events:
35 Ballan Rd,
Werribee VIC 3030
Wyndham Basketball Association



$30 per player per term (runs school terms only)

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