Wyndham City has moved towards electronically endorsing plans and emailing application decisions directly to applicants which we know will be a great time saver and will be a benefit on many levels to both the applicants and Council.

You can view Council's Getting Started Guide and Document Preparation Guide to assist in preparing your application.

You need to download, complete and submit

Please be advised that as a result of recent State Government amendments to the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 and the Subdivision (Procedures) Regulations 2011, there has been a state wide increase of planning and subdivision application fees which commenced on 13 October 2016.

Further information on the updated Planning and Subdivision fees can be obtained from the Department of Environment Land, Water and Planning’s website.

  • A full, current copy of the title of the property including any restrictions/covenants listed
  • A new application should have the subject as “New Application – Type of Application and Address”.  Documents are to be PDF and will be labelled as follows:
    • New Application – Payment Details – Address – Date
    • New Application – Application Form and Title – Address – Date
    • New Application – Plans – Address – Date
    • New Application – Reports – Address – Date

All plans must be accurately drawn with dimensions, contain a north point and drawn to an appropriate scale. No hard copies need to be sent (if they are required Wyndham City will request them). 


Your application may be required to be advertised in accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987. If Wyndham City deems this process necessary, then additional charges will apply. Your application will not proceed until the advertising fee is paid.

Any information submitted with planning permit applications will be made available for public viewing, including electronically, and copies may be made for interested parties for the purpose of enabling consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

You need to download, complete and submit a Statutory Declaration for Advertising to confirm advertising has been completed in accordance with Council’s advertising instruction letter.

Combined applications

If the application includes a number of matters a combined application can be lodged.

Sum of the highest of the fees which would have applied if separate applications were made and 50% of each of the other fees which would have applied if separate applications had been made. Please speak to Town Planning Department in relation to the application fees for combined applications. 

Application for Change of Use

The following information is required when lodging a planning permit application to change the use of a building or land. You need the following:

  • A completed Town Planning Permit Application Form and Town Planning Fees
  • A full, current copy of the title of the property including any restrictions/covenants listed.
  • Information in an electronic form. Electronic forms include: emailed documents to Wyndham City or applications lodged on SPEAR. If information is not provided in an electronic form you may incur additional delays
  • Site plans drawn at either 1:100 or 1:200 showing:
    • Dimensions of setbacks of buildings and structures
    • Location and number of car parks and access
    • Layout of existing use and proposed use
    • The location of any proposed external lighting
    • The location of any existing infrastructure such as pits, drains, poles and etc
    • Floor plans drawn at 1:100 showing layout of existing use and proposed use

A written report including information on:

  • A detailed description of the proposed use
  • Hours of operation
  • Anticipated noise levels
  • Employee numbers
  • Visitor / seating numbers
  • Other licences or permits sought
  • A description of surrounding land uses
  • Whether the number car spaces provided on site and the design of the car park is in accordance with Clause 52.06 of the Wyndham Planning Scheme

Compliance Inspection

Before completing this for form please ensure that all the works have been completed in accordance with the endorsed development plans.

This is the process for completing a request and Declaration for a Statement of Compliance Inspection.

Step 1

Request a compliance inspection by completing the Online Form

Step 2

Once your completed and signed declaration is received the Subdivisions Unit will lodge the application and will provide you with an invoice, reference number, and instructions for payment.

Please note that subject to demands on bookings this may take up to 2 weeks from time of submitting your application and payment received.

Step 3

When the inspection is completed the Subdivision Officer will prepare a recommending report, this process can take up to a week to complete. The applicant will be notified in writing of the outcome of the inspection. Note: Should the inspection fail, the applicant will be notified via email outlining the areas of non-compliance.

Matters outlined in the report will need to be addressed before a reinspection is carried out and the compliance inspection condition satisfied. This may require you to obtain new endorsed development plans via an amendment process in some cases or provide any missing items.


If a reinspection is required, you will need to submit a new compliance inspection request online and pay the applicable fee. Please ensure that all items requested have been rectified and provide new plans or photos showing rectifications undertaken. 

Property with tenants

It is the applicant responsibility to notify the tenants that the compliance inspection will take place and ensure full access to all outside areas of the property.  Inspectors will not view any areas over fences or by means of non-standard access such as ladders due to occupational health and safety requirements.


Cancellations and or changes to a booking time may be made up until 5pm the day before the booking time after which any cancellation or change will incur a reinspection fee of $250.

If your booking needs to be cancelled by Wyndham City you will be offered an alternative date and time. Alternative inspections can be scheduled Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm. There will be no additional cost to you.

Section 173 Agreements

Entering into a Section 173 Agreement

What is a Section 173 Agreement?

  • A S173 Agreement is a legal contract made between Wyndham City and another party or parties under Section 173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987
  • A landowner or a person expected to become the land owner is normally the other party to the Agreement. In some cases a third party, such as a referral authority, may also be involved
  • A typical Agreement will include one or more requirements which must be met by the parties entering into the Agreement

Section 173 Agreements are not always appropriate. As such they will not always be offered by Wyndham City. In some instances, a condition of a planning permit may require the owner/s of the land to enter into a Section 173 Agreement with Wyndham City. Wyndham City is also able to decline an invitation to enter into a Section 173 Agreement.

If Council agrees to enter into a Section 173 Agreement, Council can prepare the Section 173 (S173) Agreement on your behalf. Depending on the complexity of the Agreement, it will be prepared in house by Council officers, or may be referred to Council’s solicitors. If you prepare the agreement privately, the document must be referred to Council’s solicitors to ensure that Council’s interests have been protected. This will involve Council’s solicitors reviewing the document, consulting with Council and negotiating any changes required. You will be responsible for any legal fees associated with the review of the document.

Download - Preparation Service for Section 173 Agreements Checklist & Application Form

Amending or Ending a Section 173 Agreement

You are able to apply to Wyndham City Council to amend or end a Section 173 Agreement on a land title.  Depending on the complexity of the Agreement, the amending / ending proposal will be dealt with by Council officers, and may be referred to Council’s solicitors if required.  Interested parties to the Section 173 agreement may be notified of the proposal, as applicable.

Download -  Amending/Ending of Section 173 Agreement Checklist & Application Form

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