Street address
Factory 3, 26 Lock Avenue
9742 5446

At Werribee Gymnastics Club, we deliver gymnastics programs for all from walking to mature age and teach the fundamentals of gymnastics in a fun and friendly environment 


An instructor lead class in which the parent plans an important role in assisting the child to follow instructions, take turns and develop fundamental gymnastics. Our KinderGym classes are specifically designed for pre-school aged children.

General Gym

1 hour General Gym classes teach the fundamental basics of gymnastics.

Our General Gymnastics program helps children build a range of gross motor skills and builds the Childs coordination. It also assists in developing a good sense of body awareness essential for not only gymnastics, but all sports.

Gymstar 1-10

A recreational, participation-based program teaching fundamental gymnastics in a fun and safe environment. Gymnasts in Gymstar will train on all six apparatus; Beam, Bars, Vault, Floor, P-Bars & Rings and have the option to compete.

ALP 1-10 

Gymnasts in this stream enjoy working hard, competing and have a strong understanding of why they are in the program and what is required of them. ALP classes are highly structured and requires gymnasts to have dedication and discipline in training.

Gymnasts in ALP will compete compulsory routines on; Beam, Bars, Floor & Vault.

Open Rec

A recreational, participation based program teaching skill progressions in a fun and safe environment. Gymnasts are here to learn the skills and progress; this stream is for gymnasts who do not want to compete yet still enjoy learning gymnastics.


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Not for Profit
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