Opportunity Wyndham logo

Council’s Inclusive Employment service aims to strengthen pathways to employment for local residents and supports inclusive workplace practices across Wyndham. 

To achieve this Council is the backbone organisation in the Opportunity Wyndham partnership, a nationally recognised initiative, that creates pathways to employment for local job seekers and has a strong focus on working with local businesses to broker work opportunities. 

Opportunity Wyndham is a partnership between business, community, local services and government working together to provide inclusive and accessible local jobs for local people through addressing barriers to employment in the local ecosystem. We have a priority commitment to young people, community members of more newly arrived refugee and migrant background and women in Wyndham. ​

Our Vision: Local people are working in jobs they want and enjoy based on skills not gender, race or age - it's how things are done in Wyndham. This happens easily because we are all working together.​

The Opportunity Wyndham initiative is proudly supported by the Department of Jobs, Skills and Regions Community Revitalisation funding.

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