Wyndham’s Early Years’ Snapshot
Wyndham’s Early Years’ Snapshot is a quarterly infographic that highlights a variety of information.
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Living Your Best Life In Wyndham: A Lifecourse Framework recognises the need for greater collaboration to ensures Wyndham families have access to services that support the capacity of the family through a range of targeted and integrated programs that respond to local community needs.
On this page you can access early years data and resources. You can also connect with Preschool Filed Officer (PSFO) for guidance and information to support the families accessing your early years centres.
Wyndham’s Early Years’ Snapshot is a quarterly infographic that highlights a variety of information.
The Preschool Field Officer (PSFO) service contributes to the provision of a quality early childhood program and designed to deliver professional support and consultation
Best Start is a prevention and early intervention program that aims to improve the health, development, learning and wellbeing of all Victorian children from birth through to transition to sc
The Engaging Children in Decision Making guide was first published in 2013 as a partnership project by Melton, Brimbank, Wyndham, Maribyrnong and Ballarat City Councils.
If your service or program aligns with our guidelines, you can share it with families in Wyndham through the following platforms:
Wyndham City Council recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first Peoples of Australia. We acknowledge the Bunurong and Wadawurrung Peoples as Traditional Owners of the lands on which Wyndham City operates. The Wadawurrung and Bunurong Peoples have and always will belong to the Werribee Yalook (river), creeks, stars, hills and red clay of this Country. We pay respect to their Ancestors and Elders who always have, and always will, care for Country and community today and for future generations.