Barking Dogs
Dogs are an important part of our community, but dogs that bark excessively can become a nuisance and create friction between neighbours. We suggest approaching the dog’s owner and discussing your concerns with them as this usually resolves the issue.
Please be aware that:
- The dog’s owner may not realise that the barking is causing a nuisance to other people
- The dog may only bark excessively when the owner is not home
- The owner may not hear the barking from certain areas in their house
- The owner may be a very sound sleeper and not woken when the dog barks
Dog Barking Letter & Diary
If the dog owner is unapproachable or you are not comfortable approaching them, try placing the 'barking dog letter' (available from Wyndham City) into their letterbox. If your neighbour takes no action or does not agree that a problem exists, contact Wyndham City.
To lodge a complaint you must first complete a dog barking diary, available from Wyndham City. Please be aware that Council will not get involved in neighbourhood disputes.
In the dog barking diary you need to show that you:
- have spoken with your neighbour and have tried to resolve the problem with them
- have attempted to resolve the issue through an independent party like the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria
Tips to help stop dogs barking
We suggest to owners the following
- Exercise your dog regularly
- Improve your dog’s sleeping area to ensure it feels secure
- Socialise your dog with other people and their dogs
- Investigate the wide range of toys and products available to help with behavioural problems
- If necessary, consult an agency or veterinarian for professional advice regarding your barking dog.
Report a dog barking complaint via our online form or call 1300 023 411.
Dog Attacks
If you have an urgent animal complaint such as a dog attack, an aggressive or dangerous dog, injured animals, stock on road, snakes call 1300 023 411.
We offer this service 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If you are calling afterhours, please follow the prompts to be redirected to Wyndham City’s after-hours service which will provide assistance.
Dog Attacks
All residents and visitors to the City of Wyndham have the right to use public land without fear of being attacked by a dog. Any dog attack on a person or animal should be reported to Wyndham City on 1300 023 411 as soon as possible. Wyndham City’s main objective is community safety and the harmonious use of our public open space.
When reporting the dog attack it is important that you remember as many details as possible about the attack and the dog/s involved and if possible, take photographs of the wound. This gives Wyndham City more information for the investigation process.
The dog owner and any person in control of the dog at the time, are both legally and financially responsible if their dog attacks or bites another person or animal. Wyndham City may assist in the recuperation of your costs but as there is no legislation to enforce the payment of costs such as vet bills etc; it may become a civil matter to pursue so it is always best to get legal advice in regards to your compensation.
If you are caring for or walking somebody else's dog when it attacks another person or animal, you may be liable and prosecuted under the Domestic Animals Act for any actions of the dog whilst in your care.
Dangerous Dogs
A dangerous dog is declared dangerous because it has attacked and bitten a person or animal and caused serious injury. A dog is automatically deemed a dangerous dog if it is left to guard a non-residential premises or is a dog that has been trained to attack or bite a person or clothing attached to or worn by a person. Dangerous dogs are required to be muzzled and on a leash while outside their home. Dangerous dogs must also wear a yellow and red striped collar at all times.
If you own a declared dangerous dog it is important to keep your dog securely confined to your property. If your dangerous dog is found wandering outside your home, it can be seized and impounded with penalties and consequences for you and your dog. You must contact us within 24 hours of impoundment if you wish to prove there were mitigating circumstances why your dog was roaming the streets.
Dogs Wandering or Running at Large
If you see a dog wandering or running “at large” without its owner present during business hours, you can call council on 1300 023 411.
Rangers will attend to assist and reunite the dogs with their owners.
Dogs wandering on their own can be at risk of being hit by a vehicle or be involved in an incident.
What needs to be provided when making the call:
- name & phone number of caller
- breed/colour or general description of dog
- location of dog
- any other helpful details (which way the dog was heading down a street)
Wandering Cats
Wyndham City has a cat curfew. The curfew requires cats to be confined to their owner’s premises between 10pm and 6am. Cats that are roaming the streets during the day (non-curfew hours) can still be trapped if a resident objects to the cat being on their property.
Cats can annoy neighbours by spraying and digging in gardens/sandpits. If your cat is trapped outside your property by a member of the public or a Wyndham City Officer we will attempt to return it to you provided your cat is currently microchipped or wearing a Wyndham City registration tag.
Cats taken to the pound
If your cat is taken to the Wyndham City pound, a release fee will be issued.
All cats are required to be registered and microchipped before being released from the pound. Fines can be issued if your cat is unregistered and wandering at large. A trespass notice may also be charged.
You can contact the Pound on 9742 0958.
Legislation relating to wandering cats
For more information on cat legislation please refer to the sections about trespassing and trapping cats of the Domestic Animal Act 1994.
For further information in relation to trespassing cats and trapping, download the Trespassing Cats brochure.
Contained Dog Or Cat
If you find a cat or a dog within the Wyndham area without its owner, you can call council on 1300 023 411 to collect it from you.
To collect a cat or dog from you, we will require some details:
- The location or address of where the animal is;
- How long the animal has been contained;
- Physical condition of the animal;
- Temperament;
- Cats/Kittens must be contained in box/carrier before the Ranger arrives - this is for the safety of the Ranger and the cats/kittens *cats/kittens will only be collected during business hours.
Please note: if you have found a stray animal in another municipal district to please contact the relevant Council to have the animal collected.
Pick up after your dog
Pet owners have a responsibility to carry a bag to pick up after their pets when out on walks. If you see a dog owner who lets their dog go to the toilet on your land or public land, you can discuss this with council by calling 1300 023 411 or online via report dog litter.
We will need a few details from you when you make the call:
- Name and phone number of caller
- Location of where the pet has defecated. (Including nearest corner, street or landmark)
- Breed/colour of general description of dog
- Any other helpful details such as – do they walk the dog frequently in the area
- Dog owners’ details if you know them,
Infringements can be issued to dog owners who fail to pick up after their pet. Appropriate disposal bags can be bought from pet stores and supermarkets.
Cat Curfew
Wyndham City Council has a cat curfew where your cat is required to be confined to your property between the hours of 10pm and 6am and applies every day of the year.
There are penalties for cat owners if your cat is caught during the curfew.
Feral, stray and unowned cats can be a nuisance for the community and can be reported by calling 1300 023 411 and speaking to a customer service officer.