The Wyndham Visitor Economy Strategy 2024-2028 provides directions for Wyndham City and industry to work together to foster a sustainable and prosperous visitor economy and support recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.
This strategy aligns with the Wyndham City Council plan 2021-2025 theme of Earning and Learning - An Economically Prosperous City Wyndham is an attractive place to visit and invest in.
The successful delivery of the strategic recommendations and actions for Wyndham’s visitor economy will be achieved by working with industry stakeholders, tourism operators, business units across council and alignment to Victoria’s Visitor Economy Master Plan.
The following four strategic directions have been identified to deliver on the vision for Wyndham’s Visitor Economy:
“Wyndham will be the premier destination in Melbourne’s West. This will be achieved by delivering quality events, food, nature and cultural experiences and connecting Wyndham’s precincts to create a seamless visitor journey.”
The four key strategic directions that will inform actions over the next four years are:
1. Grow Wyndham City’s Tourism Events Portfolio
Consultation with tourism operators highlighted the importance of tourism events in driving economic benefits. Growing Wyndham’s portfolio of tourism events will be instrumental in achieving broader tourism objectives such as increasing overnight visitation, improving visitor dispersal, and attracting new visitor markets.
Key Actions include the development of a ‘tourism event’ attraction prospectus, sponsorship program and continuing to leverage Werribee Park as a primary Venue, whilst increasing awareness of potential new ‘tourism event’ locations.
2. Invest in Wyndham’s Nature-Based Assets & First People’s Experiences
Wyndham is well placed to leverage and build upon nature-based assets and First Peoples led cultural tourism. With a wealth of nature-based assets that have both broad and niche appeal, together with Council initiatives planned and /or underway such as the Werribee South Beach and K Road Cliffs Masterplans; key infrastructure will be delivered that in turn will attract commercial investment eg: cafes, kayaking and bike hire.
Key actions include working with industry, council, and Traditional Owner groups to deliver new commercial product that will enhance the visitor experience and increase yield.
3. Improve Visitor Dispersal Across Werribee & Surrounds
Convenient and accessible transport options to improve connectivity between key destinations and mitigate reliance on car travel are essential to encourage dispersal and increasing length of stay and spend opportunities.
Due to Wyndham’s large VFR (Visiting Friends and Relatives) market, the success of Wyndham’s visitor economy is also dependent on effective marketing towards its resident population, and in particular our culturally diverse residents. There is also a need for a more detailed understanding of how visitors and locals currently behave and travel in Wyndham that is not captured by official government tourism data and insights.
Key actions are undertaking visitor journey research, assessing the feasibility of a shuttle bus service, marketing campaigns targeting
4. Develop Wyndham’s Secondary Tourism Destinations
The Werribee Park Precinct is the key driver of visitation to Wyndham. To improve visitor dispersal and increase yield, building awareness of and developing product in ‘secondary’ locations will be critical to the long-term sustainability of Wyndham’s visitor economy.
Key actions include encouraging investment in unique or innovative tourism offerings, build upon and continue to promote Wyndham’s night-time economy, work with stakeholders to improve internet access for visitors and operators and understand the feasibility for a regional art gallery.
The successful delivery of the strategic recommendations and actions for Wyndham’s visitor economy will be achieved by working with industry stakeholders, tourism operators, business units across council and alignment to Victoria’s Visitor Economy Master Plan.