Wyndham City Council has a longstanding commitment to reduce the harms of gambling, especially electronic gaming machines and recognises the cost to the community is not just a financial loss, but also has devastating impacts on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and businesses.

The Wyndham Gambling Harm Prevention Policy Statement 2023-2025 replaces Council’s three previous position statements, the Gambling Harm Minimisation Policy and Action Plan 2018-2022 adopted in 2018, Wyndham City’s Responsible Gambling Strategy 2012-2014 adopted in 2012 and the Electronic Gaming Machine Policy adopted in 2010.

Developed from a public health perspective and based on best evidence and data, the policy statement seeks to minimise the impact of gambling on the Wyndham community; facilitate transparent and consistent responses to applications to relevant statutory authorities and work in partnership with service providers and residents to minimise gambling associated harm and advocate for policy and legislative change.

This comprehensive public health approach to gambling is being adopted by the City of Wyndham to address preventable harms in partnership with other stakeholders. This approach is consistent with Council’s role to protect, improve and promote public health and wellbeing, as required under the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.

The Policy Statement aims to guide Council’s efforts to prevent gambling harm, addressing the complex issues related to gambling while at the same time promoting healthy communities.

The Policy objectives are:

1. Partner

Partner with community in preventing and minimising gambling harms and promoting health and wellbeing.

2. Advocate

Advocate in collaboration with partners including community for systemic and legislative change to address gambling harm.

3. Lead

Continue to be a state-wide leader and innovator in reducing gambling harm.

4. Evidence

Demonstrate Council’s commitment to protecting those most at risk of gambling related harms through its statutory roles in assessing social and economic impacts of gambling.

The issues of gambling are a whole-of community responsibility, and we look forward to working with residents, service agencies, and other stakeholders to improve the health and wellbeing of our community. Since 2017, Wyndham City has also been a member of the Alliance for Gambling Reform, showing further commitment in the role of harm prevention.

For further information contact Lucy Midolo Coordinator Social Policy  Lucy.midolo@wyndham.vic.gov.au 

View the Wyndham Gambling Harm Prevention Policy Statement 2023-2025

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