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Mobile Devices Course

Do you want to increase your digital skills and confidence when using your mobile phone or tablet? This course is for you! This course runs 1 day a week for 10 weeks. Starting February 4!

Wyndham Community & Education Centre - Webpage Design

10 Week course on Webpage Design

Resume Help for 15-25 year olds - Online

Book into a one-on-one session, online or in person, with one of our Education and Youth Services Librarians to get some help crafting your resume and answering interview questions.

Intermediate Excel Course

Are you interested in bringing your Microsoft Excel skills to the next level? This course is for you! This course runs 1 day a week for 10 weeks. Starting February 4!

Introduction to MYOB Course

Are you interested in learning the basics of MYOB? This course is for you! This course runs 1 day a week for 10 weeks. Starting February 4!
Resume Help - Hoppers Crossing Library

Resume Help for 15-25 year olds - Hoppers Crossing Library

Book into a one-on-one session, online or in person, with one of our Education and Youth Services Librarians to get some help crafting your resume and answering interview questions.

Resume Help for 15-25 years olds - Manor Lakes Library

Book into a one-on-one session, online or in person, with one of our Education and Youth Services Librarians to get some help crafting your resume and answering interview questions.
Resume Help - Julia Gillard Library Tarneit

Resume Help for 15-25 year olds - Julia Gillard Library Tarneit

Book into a one-on-one session, online or in person, with one of our Education and Youth Services Librarians to get some help crafting your resume and answering interview questions.
Rhyme Time - Point Cook

Rhyme Time - Point Cook Library

Join us to develop your child's language, body awareness, motor skills, and imagination through rhymes, music, and books. To attend this session, you must have a child aged 1 - 5 years.

Wyndham Community & Education Centre - Cake Decorating

10 weeks course - Introduction to cake decorating: Tuesdays 9:30am - 11:30am
One on one IT Help

One on one IT Help - Point Cook Library - Tuesday mornings

We can help with PCs, Macs, and all kinds of phones and tablets. Help can be provided on your own device, through one of the library’s computers, or even remotely.
One on one IT Help

One on one IT Help - Manor Lakes Library Tuesdays

We can help with PCs, Macs, and all kinds of phones and tablets. Help can be provided on your own device, through one of the library’s computers, or even remotely.
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