Street address
Werribee 3030
9749 6949

Yes, WYNDAG is a funny name but we're serious about advocating for people living with a disability – and their carers - in the Wyndham area.

Now more than ever disabled people need a voice.

Disabled people still do not receive a fair go with employment.

Whether you need someone to hold your hand or speak on your behalf when dealing with local, state or federal government agencies or just someone to lend a supportive ear, WYNDAG can help!

How are we different to other disability groups out there?

We could give you a load of guff about how we know what's best for you and why you should listen to

Our membership of over 250 people has a practical and shared understanding of a lived experience; and membership is FREE.

This means that when we're dealing with people who need our help, we can create bonds that others can't understand.

So, if you're a disabled person or a carer living in Wyndham and would like to broaden your horizons and make some new friends, contact us...we would love to hear from you!

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