LIT 2024 Artwork

LIT 2024 Artwork by Teeny Fletcher and photo by Artificial Studios.

Expressions of Interest for LIT Digital Art Commission are now open for artists

Local artists whose practice includes digital media, projection and/or moving image are invited to apply for the Expression of Interest (EOI) for LIT 2025. The successful artist will be commissioned to design 12 images suitable for projection. The artwork will feature on pathways and pavements using gobos.  

Now in its fourth year, LIT is a spectacular free night-time event that sees Wyndham Park, Werribee become a wonderland of colour and discovery with installations, projections and interactive elements. In 2025, the event will be held across multiple nights in March and April.

Expression of Interest

We ask artists to provide the following for the Expression of Interest.

  • A short biography of your practice. (100 words max.)
  • Details of your association with Wyndham. (100 words max.)
  • Website or social links of your practice.

The commission

The successful artist will design a series of 12 images that respond to the theme of LIT – Grounded. Specifications will be provided to the artist for the final draft designs. Wyndham City Council will facilitate the manufacture and install of the 12 gobos where the designs will be used. The artworks will become part of Wyndham City Council Public Art Collection after LIT 2025.

LIT 2025

About LIT 2025

LIT is an award-winning event now in its fourth year at Wyndham Park, Werribee. Last year, saw over 75,000 people attend over 14 nights.

This popular event presents installations, projections and interactive experiences and includes two nights of sensory friendly experiences.  

Read more 


Key dates

Monday, 28 October

Expression of Interest open

Sunday, 17 November

Expression of Interest close

Wednesday, 20 November

Unsuccessful and shortlisted artists notified of outcome

Wednesday, 4 December

First design and brief from shortlisted artists due

Friday, 6 December

Shortlisted and successful artists notified of outcome

Monday, 16 December

Three designs completed with a meeting with Council Officers

Tuesday, 21 January

Final 12 designs completed

Thursday, 23 January

Artist to meet with Council Officer

Monday, 3 February

Final artwork submitted for production by Council

Monday, 3 February

Finalise title of artwork, didactics and artist Biography for comms.

Tuesday, 18 March

Bump -in

27 March – 13 April, 2025

LIT event

Assessment criteria for Expression of Interest

  • Artist has an association with Wyndham either live and/or work
  • Artist’s practice aligns with technical application of gobos
  • Artist’s use of colour



Information for shortlisted artists

If Expression of Interest is successful, the shortlisted artists to provide:

We ask the artists to provide the following:

  • A design brief based on the theme Grounded. (250- 500 words max.)
  • An example of one design associated to the brief.


Artists are asked to respond to the theme Grounded – the connection between humanity, nature and community. This could be interpreted as environmental awareness, mindfulness and/or community spirit. The theme is broad for diverse interpretations for audiences to find meaning and inspiration.


  • Artwork designs are to be family friendly and accessible for a diverse audience. Inappropriate or offensive artwork will not be considered.
  • The use of colour as the artwork will be displayed at night.

Artist fees

Shortlisted artists for initial design and brief


Successful artist


The successful artist will be required to enter into an agreement with Council.

Assessment criteria for shortlisted artists

  • Artist has an association with Wyndham either live and/or work
  • Design relates to theme
  • Technical suitability that includes colour
  • The design is attractive and suitable to a wide demographic of attendees
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