Wyndham City adopted the Domestic Animal Management Plan on 26 October 2021.  The plan has been developed based on the outcomes and learning’s from the previous plan and a review of existing data in areas such as complaints, dog attacks, registrations and impoundments. Community feedback including over 891 submission and consultations with key stakeholders have also informed the plan.

The overwhelming majority of the submissions were made by existing registered pet owners and supported the actions of the draft Plan or sought an expansion of what is proposed. The following were the issues identified from the survey feedback:

  • Increased Ranger visibility in the community: Visual presence of Rangers patrolling a wider range of hours to reduce dogs wandering off lead to reduce community angst or the potential for dog attacks.
  • Providing education to dog owners letting their dogs off leash outside designated off leash areas: Increased adhoc patrols to identify and provide education/information to owners of dogs being walked off leash outside off leash areas.
  • Cats confined to a property: Consideration to cats being treated the same way as dogs and confined to a property at all times, along with more education on cat curfew.
  • Responsible Pet Ownership: Increased education/information on being a pet owner.
  • Better understanding of the value of pet registration: A better understanding of the value and benefits of pet registration.

Download the Domestic Animal Management Plan 2021-25

Receiving your pet registration renewal notices

You can now receive your pet registration renewal via email. Please email us at mail@wyndham.vic.gov.au with any questions.

For further details visit Pets and Animals.

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