Art form Methodologies that are designed and proven to bring on calm and peace to alleviate stress, and worries. Examples: Zentangle, Neurographica, Doodling, etc.

> Limited seating, booking essential:

Each class consists of three main parts:
1) Introduction – Why Rachel (the teacher) is passionate about Art Therapy
* Class member introductions
2) Relax the mind – Technique to de-stress.
* A short relaxation technique will then be introduced and applied. For example, Mindful Breathing to clear the head.
3) Take-home projects described - Time to create, relax and have fun!
* A live video overhead cam will allow Rachel to demonstrate, step by step, each Art technique on the large screen for easy viewing of all students. All instructions will be taught in both English and Auslan. Rachel will answer questions and provide one-on-one support as needed to everyone. Each session will be taught different form of Art techniques.

• During the sessions, the focus is not on creating “masterpieces” but on self-expression, emotional exploration, personal growth, and relaxation.

• All art materials will be provided to the students to create their own unique projects.
• Children under the age of 14 must be supervised by their parent / guardian.

Date and time
Upcoming events:
55 - 57 Kookaburra Ave
VIC 3030
Rachel Stock

Rachel (Teacher) Email:

MeGarin Stock (Admin) Mob: 0439 086 163


$25.00 per session per person. NDIS Core Activity supported.

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