Big Summer Read image 2024

Join. Borrow. Read. Win!

The Big Summer Read competition has closed for 2025.

What is the BIG Summer Read?

The BIG Summer Read is a statewide competition open to under 18s, that aims to keep children reading over the summer holidays. Research has shown that children experience something called the ‘summer slide’, a loss of literacy skills estimated at two to three months of reading proficiency, if they stop reading over the summer holidays. Public Libraries Victoria has developed the BIG Summer Read as a fun and dynamic campaign to engage children and families in slowing the slide. The challenge is supported by ReadBooks, a user-friendly website that makes it easy to register, track reading and earn digital ‘badges’ as rewards for reaching reading milestones.

Need help?

Come in to see our friendly library staff or call us on 8734 8999.


  1. The Big Summer Read Competition is run by Public Libraries Victoria (‘PLV’) and is supported by Wyndham City Council (‘Council’).
  1. PLV is administering the competition in accordance with their terms and conditions.
  1. In addition to the prizes being offered by PLV as part of the state-wide prize draw, Council has provided three additional prizes to be awarded by PLV to eligible entrants.  Council’s prizes are:
  • 1 x Museums Victoria Household membership, valued at $99.  Refer to Museums Victoria’s website for terms and conditions relating to memberships.
  • 1 x Zoos Victoria Adult Yearly Pass, valued at $159.  Refer to Zoos Victoria’s website for terms and conditions relating to yearly passes.
  • 1x LEGO Creator Space Roller Coaster (or equivalent), valued at $129.


  1. To be eligible to receive one of Council’s prizes, competition entrants must:
  • live in Victoria;
  • be a member of the Wyndham Library Service;
  • be 18 years of age or under;
  • if they are under 18, have their parent or legal guardian’s consent to enter the competition; and
  • not be an immediate family member of a Council staff member or a Councillor.


  1. The competition winners, including the winners of the Council prizes, will be drawn by PLV on 10 February 2025.  PLV will advise Council of the winners of the Council prizes.  Council will contact those winners for the purposes of facilitating the collection of their prize from their preferred Wyndham City Libraries branch.
  1. If Council cannot contact a winner by 5:00pm on 24 February 2025, Council may request that PLV conduct a further draw to determine a new winner.
  1. If a prize is not collected by 5:00pm on 10 March 2025, Council may request that PLV conduct a further draw to award the unclaimed prize.
  1. Council may, acting in its entire discretion, amend these conditions at any time without prior notice.
  1. Council and PLV’s decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
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