Building permits establish, maintain and improve standards for the construction and maintenance of buildings and are required for most new building works, alterations, demolitions and removals.

If you are planning to build, renovate or improve a property in Wyndham but not sure if your project requires a building permit, check out these questions and answers as a start.

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Can I convert my garage into a habitable room where a person could live?

Yes, however, a building permit must be obtained to ensure the conversion meets the requirements of the National Construction Code and car parking provisions.

A garage does not have the same energy efficiency, weatherproofing and light and ventilation requirements as the rest of the house so these elements must be upgraded. 

Do I need a Permit for a Granny Flat or Small Second Dwelling?

The Victorian Government has made it easier to build a small second home in residential and rural areas across Victoria by making adjustments to the Victoria Planning Provisions, all planning schemes and the Building Regulations. However the requirement to obtain a building permit remains.

Some of the key features of a small second home include:

  • Floor area equal to or less than 60 square metres
  • Sited on the same lot as an existing dwelling
  • One small second dwelling per lot, however there may be more than one and this would be subject to a planning permit
  • Has a kitchen, bathroom and toilet (as a minimum, additional facilities may be required to enable occupants to carry out laundering
  • No carparking required
  • Anyone can live in it or rent it out
  • Cannot be subdivided from the primary dwelling
  • Cannot be connected to reticulated gas
  • Meets siting requirements, including minimum garden area
  • Can be attached, detached or a conversion
  • Must have an access path from the front street

In most cases, a small second dwelling will not require a planning permit where there are no flooding, environmental or other special planning controls; however, a building permit is always required.

For more details, visit:

As always you can contact our friendly Building staff on 9742 0716 or visit our website.

Can I convert my garage into a personal services business such as a hair or nail salon?

Yes, however, a building permit must be obtained to ensure the conversion meets the requirements of the National Construction Code and car parking provisions. Planning and Environmental Health approval may also be required.

To find out more, contact Wyndham City on 1300 023 411.

Can I convert an existing dwelling (house) into a clinic for medical professionals e.g. doctors or dentists?

Yes, however, a building permit must be obtained to ensure the conversion meets the requirements of the National Construction Code. A doctor’s clinic or dentistry will require an upgrade to the dwelling’s exit paths, toilet facilities etc.

Planning approval may also be required.

Do I need a safety barrier around my swimming pool or spa?

Yes:  All swimming pools and spas exceeding 300mm in depth require a safety barrier. This includes temporary blow up pools.

Do I need to maintain the safety barrier for my swimming pool or spa?

Yes: The safety barrier requires continual maintenance to keep it compliant with the regulations and operate correctly.

Do I need a building permit to change my safety barrier from timber or metal to glass?

Yes: This safety barrier needs to be assessed under the current Australian Standard AS1926.1 – 2012. This building work cannot be considered as maintenance.

Can I take out an internal wall to open up two rooms into on larger room?

Yes, however, a building permit must be obtained if any load-bearing part of the building is altered or if there is a change of use of the room.

Can I attach screening to my existing boundary fencing above 2 metres in height?

No, the existing boundary fence is not designed to support the extra loads placed on it by the screen. If a screen is proposed over 2 meters in height it must be independent of the fence and a building permit must be obtained. This allows the proposed building work to be assessed to ensure the effected adjoining property amenity is maintained in regard to over shadowing, daylight to existing habitable room windows etc.

Can I rent my house out to persons unrelated to each other, making the bedrooms private (lockable) with shared use of the other facilities?

No, if you wish to operate a dwelling as a boarding house a building permit must be obtained for a change of use. Boarding houses or Class1b buildings require extra smoke detectors, lighting to assist in evacuation, access and toilet facilities for persons with a disability.

Planning and Environmental Health approvals may also be required.

Can I seal off half the house (install plaster walls and or lockable doors) so I can rent it to two separate persons or families?

No, a building permit must be obtained to ensure all building work complies with the National Construction Code. Planning approval may also be required

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