Create [SPACE] Artist-in-Residence program
Create [SPACE] is a program partnering artists with a space in Wyndham to develop their practice and new work over a three-month period.
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Wyndham Arts & Culture are excited to offer Artist Residencies for First Nations artists or collectives seeking the opportunity to explore their practice within a culturally aligned setting.
Wyndham Arts & Culture are excited to continue our partnership with Koling wada-gnal to again offer an artist-in-residence program at Wunggurrwil Dhurrung Centre. The Expression of Interest (EOI) process for interested artists or collectives is now open.
Current residency opportunity / dates: March to May (3 months) 2025
Upcoming information session: February 15th 2025 at Wunggurrwil Dhurrung (and online).
About the First Nations Art Residency:
Eligible applicants for the First Nations Art Residency must:
*Please note that these are not necessary at time of application but will need to be addressed if successful and if applicable to the hosting venue.
Expectations for successful artists:
Image credit: Wyndham City Council and Artbox
There is an information session (IRL and online) at Wunggurrwil Dhurrung Centre on February 15 at 11am-12:30pm to yarn with Steven Rhall (First Nations Creative Arts Officer), Tamay Beam (current resident artist) to hear more about the program and ask questions.
Join the Microsoft Teams information session online 11.15 to 12.15: here via this link
Questions? Please email Steven Rhall (First Nations Creative Arts Officer) with any questions or queries about the First Nations Artist-in-residence:
Wunggurrwil Dhurrung Centre is a meeting place located in Wyndham Vale on Wadawurrung land. It promotes a shared vision to recognise and celebrate Aboriginal perspective and history. The centre provides a culturally safe place, where people of all ages and experiences are welcome to gather, connect, learn and share. With a name steeped in meaning, Wunggurrwil Dhurrung means “strong heart” in Wadawurrung.
Wunggurrwil Dhurrung is managed by the Koling wada-ngal Aboriginal Corporation and includes Balim Balim kindergarten (operated by One Tree Community Services), the Aboriginal Wellness Foundation and Wyndham City managed Maternal Health services.
This site, in all its forms, can host an artist in residence in any part of the centre per the artists’ interests and by arrangement. Learn more about Wunggurrwil Dhurrung via this link which included an introductory video and 360 degrees fly through interface:
Wunggurrwil Dhurrung Centre – address:
A19 Communal Road, Wyndham Vale, 3024
Space offers: Dedicated art room and/or other spaces by arrangement.
Access Hours/Days: Negotiable with venue.
3 February 2025 | EOI (Expression of Interest) opens |
15 February 11.00am – 12:30 pm |
Information session - Wunggurrwil Dhurrung (First Nations identified residency) IRL and onlineinformation session
23 February | Expression of Interest closes |
28 February | All applicants are notified of outcome |
3 March – 3 Jun | Residency duration (or as per arranged) |
Please note that First Nations artist-in-residence is part of Create [SPACE] artist-in-residence program and has multiple venues. Via the link below, please select Wunggurrwil Dhurrung as your preferred residency. Please contact Steven Rhall if any part of application or process to submit an EOI is unclear.
What do l need to apply for the Expression of Interest?
Do l need a working with children check, Public Liability Insurance (not less than $20 million per single event) and police check when applying for the expression of interest?
No, you do not require this at time of application although if successful, you would need to obtain at your own expense.
Why do l need a working with children check and police check?
The Create [SPACE] artist-in-residency program is held in venues that other community members use. We ask all successful artists to undergo these requirements as the spaces are open to the community and public.
What is the minimum amount of time per week expected of residency?
The Create [SPACE] program is designed for artists to utilise the venue as much as possible. We understand that artists have other commitments. Generally, previous artists have used the space 2 -3 full days per week.
What is the expected outcome of the residency?
The purpose of Create [SPACE] is for artists to develop work or experiment with new work. We ask at the end of the residency; artists share their experience and practice with the public either as an artist talk or workshop. Wyndham Arts and Culture will support the artist’s public outcome.
What does the artist fee of $3,000 include?
The artist fee of $3,000 covers both the artist's time and all materials they may need during their residency. This means artists can use this fee to purchase any supplies, equipment, or materials required for their work during the residency period.
Create [SPACE] is a program partnering artists with a space in Wyndham to develop their practice and new work over a three-month period.
Wyndham City Council recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first Peoples of Australia. We acknowledge the Bunurong and Wadawurrung Peoples as Traditional Owners of the lands on which Wyndham City operates. The Wadawurrung and Bunurong Peoples have and always will belong to the Werribee Yalook (river), creeks, stars, hills and red clay of this Country. We pay respect to their Ancestors and Elders who always have, and always will, care for Country and community today and for future generations.