Planning Duty Counter Service

The Duty Counter Service provides basic informal verbal advice on planning related matters. If formal written advice is required the Duty Officer will advise you that Planning Controls Information Request (PIR) be submitted. 

If a permit is required, and so advice is requested as to whether the proposal is likely to be granted planning consent, the Duty Officer will be likely to advise that an application be submitted for ‘Pre-Application Meeting Advice’for proposals that are not straightforward.

There are 3 main options that will allow you to obtain this information and guidance:

  • Planning Duty Counter Service
  • Planning Controls and Information Requests
  • Pre-Application Planning Advice

The Planning Duty Counter Service is available at:

  • Wyndham Civic Centre Monday - Friday 9am – 4pm 

The Planning Duty Counter Service can provide advice and information on:

  • The planning permit process
  • The planning information request (PIR) process
  • The demolition process (Form A and Form B)
  • The subdivision process
  • Copies of permits and plans process
  • When a planning permit is required
  • Liquor Licence query
  • Viewing the planning register
  • Viewing advertising plans on line
  • Relevant Wyndham Planning Scheme queries and forms

For more information, please call 1300 023 411

Planning Controls and Information Requests

Certain ‘Buildings and Works’ or ‘Changes of Use’do not require a Town Planning Permit. The types of works or uses that do not trigger the need for a planning permit are dependent on a range of factors, including the Zoning of the land or the scale or intensity of the proposed use and overlays applied to the land.

In addition to planning controls, there may be restrictions or covenants that apply to parcels of land which may also limit what can occur. This information will be shown on the Land Title.  A copy of the Land Title can be obtained from Property & Land Titles website.

In order to find out if the proposed works trigger a planning permit, it is recommended that a Planning Controls and Information’ (PIR) requestbe submitted to the Town Planning Department. This document will provide written confirmation as to whether a permit is required or not. The purpose of the PIR is to provide formal written advice as to whether a planning permit application is required to be submitted obtained.

Download Planning Controls and Information’ (PIR) Request Form

Pre – Application planning Meeting Advice

When a Town Planning permit application is submitted to Wyndham City, it is more likely to be assessed and processed quickly if it contains all of the information required under the Wyndham Planning Scheme. A positive outcome is also more likely if the proposal has been designed to comply with the policies and requirements of the Wyndham Planning Scheme.   

Why should I request Pre-Application Planning Advice?

We welcome and encourage discussions before you submit your application and understand that early review of your proposal can provide benefits for all parties, including:

  • Advice to applicants on what elements of a proposal are acceptable or unacceptable;
  • Improvement in the quality of information provided to Wyndham City;
  • Reduction in time delays resulting from Requests for Further Information and changes to the design of a proposal;
  • Increased certainty about the outcome of an application;
  • Reduction in the number of refused applications (and subsequent VCAT cases);
  • Reduction in application processing times.

Wyndham City encourages you to work with us in a constructive and positive manner. For the process to work in an efficient way, it is important that you have no fixed or a pre-determined design or outcome, and are able to respond to recommendations made by Wyndham City.

You need to download, complete and submit a Pre-Application Planning Advice Request to

What happens after I have submitted the Request for Pre-Application Planning Advice?

Once all of the information is submitted to Wyndham City, the request will be allocated to a Planning Officer who will then contact the applicant within 3 business days of receipt of the email to arrange a Pre-Application Meeting. Wyndham City will endeavour to arrange for this Meeting to take place within 28 days of the receipt of the request.

These timeframes will allow the Planning Officer to review the proposal in sufficient detail as to provide useful advice, and allow for discussions with other internal departments of Wyndham City prior to the meeting.

What happens after the Pre-Application Meeting?

The Planning Officer who attends the Pre-Application Meeting will make a file note outlining the key points made, detailing the advice given to the applicant. This Note will be recorded on the Planning Database for future reference should a planning permit application be subsequently submitted.

If you obtain Pre-Application Advice it is important that you advise as such when submitting your planning permit application. All reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that any planning permit application is dealt with by the same officer who provides Pre-Application Planning Advice.

Is the advice legally binding?

No. It is important to note that any advice given at the Pre-Application Meeting is preliminary advice, represents the informal officer opinion in respect of your proposal.

Whilst all efforts will be made to ensure the information and advice provided is accurate and correct, it is provided without prejudice to any future decision Wyndham City may make in respect of the proposal.

The advice given may be impacted upon by any consequential changes in the design, referral responses, site inspections by the Planning Officer or any other matter at the discretion of Wyndham City.

Wyndham Neighbourhood Character Policy

Planning Terms and definitions

The Glossary of Planning Terms explains some of the planning terminology.

  • General Terms
  • Advertising Terms
  • Land Use Terms
  • Nesting Diagrams


Useful Planning Websites

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