The Refuse Disposal Facility (RDF) is a key Council asset and is one of four major metropolitan landfills licensed to accept putrescible waste, such as household kerbside waste.
As well as providing a final landfill disposal option for Wyndham’s municipal waste, the RDF provides landfill disposal services for many other councils as well as commercial businesses and waste management companies.
The vision for this 2019-2025 period is:
The RDF will reduce reliance on traditional landfill as a means of waste management and provide a different model of waste management to customers, particularly from local government.
This will be the primary point of differentiation in the marketplace. Wyndham will commence development of the RDF as a precinct for green jobs development and as a Waste Management Centre of Excellence.
The Wyndham RDF Strategic Plan 2019 - 2025 outlines six new goals to achieve a transition of the RDF business away from a traditional landfill to a resource and energy recovery operation which relies on landfill only for waste that is left over after recovery of resources.
The achievement of this transition will present a different waste management proposition for our customers, particularly those from local government. It will help them achieve their stated waste policy goals around resource recovery and reduced reliance on landfill.
Download - Wyndham Refuse Disposal Facility Strategic Plan 2019-25