Wyndham City acknowledges the importance of ongoing sustainable opportunities for the community to be healthy and active.

Wyndham Sport & Recreation supports all Health, Wellness & Fitness Providers and networks across Wyndham through a central source of information and communication.

Please contact the Sport & Recreation team to discuss how we can best support your business at activewyndham@wyndham.vic.gov.au or 1300 023 411.

FitHub eNewsletter

The FitHub eNewsletter is sent out -bi-Monthly. To receive a copy in your inbox please sign up here.

All Health, Wellness & Fitness providers and networks are encouraged to submit content to be included in the bi-monthly FitHub eNewsletter. This can be success stories about Wyndham residents, new programs targeting a specific cohort, new collaborations and special events.

Subscribe to FitHub

Business Support

Support from Wyndham City's Economic Growth Department

Wyndham City's Economic Development Unit is committed to assisting in the development of a vibrant and sustainable local economy.

We offer a range of services and support for small, home-based, medium or large businesses in Wyndham and can put you in touch with other businesses and industry groups in the region.

Wyndham City's Economic Development Unit is located at the Wyndham City Council's Civic Centre, 45 Princes Highway, Werribee and can be contact via phone on 9742 8170 or email business@wyndham.vic.gov.au.

Find out more by visiting Business Advice and Support.


Grants & Financial Support

Please visit the Economic Develop Grants & Financial Support page here.

Business Publications

Wyndham City offers a range of support to business owners. These include the services below that may be of particular interest to new starters. View them here

Connection with Council, Facilities & Sports Clubs

Promote your business via Active Wyndham Map

The Active Wyndham Map is an easy-to-use online directory of Wyndham sport, fitness, health and wellbeing providers. Residents can use the map to search for activity providers in their local area, including local football, tennis or athletics clubs, Yoga classes, martial arts studios and personal trainers.

Promote your programs & services on the Active Wyndham Map by submitting detail here.

The Active Wyndham Map will be updated every three months allowing new activity providers to promote their programs/services or for existing providers to edit contact information or include new programs/services.

Promote your sessions and events via Active Wyndham Calendar

The Active Wyndham Calendar provides residents access to upcoming free and low-cost physical activity sessions. Sessions may include a variety of fitness, wellbeing and sport activities delivered by local Wyndham providers and organisations.

Wyndham providers (e.g. fitness businesses, sports clubs and marital arts studios) can also promote their programs and services directly to the local community through the Active Wyndham Calendar by submitting expressions of interest to deliver session(s) throughout the year. Submit your EOI here.


List of Sporting Reserves & Facilities

There are numerous sporting facilities available across Wyndham. To search for local grounds near you, visit MyWyndham.

Volunteering and Grants

Wyndham Community Health Grant - The Point Cook Football Club (PCFC) are establishing a Wellbeing and Fitness Club through an inaugural women’s group pilot programme. The Wellbeing and Fitness Club will run a pilot 12-week programme for two nights per week engaging a Wyndham based Fitness business to conduct the sessions.

One night per week will be dedicated to the Wellness aspect with specialist presenters confirmed for topics including Nutrition, Women’s hormones, Mental Health (including identification of children’s mental health), Nutrition for kids, Pre and Post Natal Health and Physical Health. The alternate night will be a fitness night run by professional trainers on topics including Learn to Run, Yoga, Wellfit Mums, Self Defence and Fitness for differing age groups.

To discover ways your business may be able to link with a non-for-profit group please contact the Wyndham City Volunteer & Grants Team here.

Active After Hours

A new initiative to help Wyndham residents get more active, more often – we’re keeping the lights turned on outside of the normal hours at some of our sporting facilities.

This will allow more members of the community to use facilities and be more active.

For more information on this initiative please visit - https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/activeafterhours

Active Kids

Active Kids is a Wyndham City Council initiative free to schools, designed to be a fun way to encourage healthy eating habits and increased physical activity in children aged 8-10 years (grade 3 & 4) attending primary schools across the Wyndham municipality.

The Active Kids program offer opportunities for Wyndham Providers to connect with partner schools through the delivery of clinics, providing collateral and/or offering opportunities for grade 3 & 4 to be active outside of school.

Expressions of Interest for Providers for the 2020 Active Kids program are now being sought. Please contact James Robortella, Inclusion & Participation Officer on 1300 023 411 or at james.robortella@wyndham.vic.gov.au.

More info on Active Kids


I would like more information about Council services, who can I contact?

If the information sought is not located above, please contact the Sport & Recreation team to discuss how we can best support your business at activewyndham@wyndham.vic.gov.au or 9742 0840.

How can I promote my business to the local community?

Council’s new Active Wyndham Calendar and Active Wyndham Map initiatives provide wonderful opportunities to promote your business, programs and services to the local community.

  • Active Wyndham Map – online directory of Wyndham sport, fitness, health and wellbeing providers. Residents can use the map to search for activity providers in their local area, filtering by age, gender, suburb and venue, making it easy for people to find what they are looking for.

Providers can upload their programs and services or update their details via the Active Wyndham Map webpage here.

  • Active Wyndham Calendar – provides residents access to upcoming free and low-cost physical activity sessions. Sessions may include a variety of fitness, wellbeing and sport activities delivered by local Wyndham providers and organisations.

Wyndham providers (e.g. fitness businesses, sports clubs and marital arts studios) can also promote their programs and services directly to the local community through the Active Wyndham Calendar by submitting expressions of interest to deliver session(s) throughout the year. Submit your EOI here.

I would like to enquire about hiring a Sporting Reserve facility

Council Sporting Reserves and Facilities are available for casual hire subject to availability. Submit your request

My business has an idea to develop a service/program and would like to know how Council can support?

The Sport and Recreation team encourage all sustainable opportunities for Wyndham residents to become healthy and active. Please contact the Sport & Recreation team to discuss any ideas at activewyndham@wyndham.vic.gov.au or 9742 0840.

I would like to stay connected with latest updates for all Wyndham Health, Wellness & Fitness Providers.

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