Ever wondered what life is like in another country? 

If you are aged 11-15, here is an opportunity to join us and travel virtually from Melbourne to Kentucky in the US and Wellington in New Zealand!

This session will bring together a small group of young people from Melbourne (Victoria), Nicholasville (Kentucky) and Wellington (New Zealand). You will have a chance to meet, chat and learn more about what it is like to live in the US and New Zealand, share your experiences living in Melbourne (and hopefully make some new friends!) You'll learn about the things you have in common—and the things that make you unique! Discover different traditions, food, hobbies, and more.

This online event will be run via Microsoft Teams and be facilitated by librarians from Wyndham City Libraries, Jessamine County Public Library (Kentucky) and Wellington City Libraries (New Zealand).

All participants will receive a travel kit featuring some very special souvenirs and snacks to try from Kentucky and New Zealand. Places are limited and bookings are essential to reserve a place and your kit.

This event is exclusively for young people aged 11-15.

Please note that if this event sells out, places will be allocated preferentially to young people who live in the Wyndham City Council area.


Date and time
Wyndham City Libraries

8734 8999



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