Street address
2 Feathertop Drive
Vic 3024
Postal address
2 Feathertop Drive
Wyndham Vale Vic 3024

The organisation provides products and services that are mainly “not for profit”. The business is focussed on providing various services and products in the community including music as a creative form of expression for an individual/groups. Available sessions are catered for all age groups and genders including Children/Youth, Middle aged and Elderly and Male or Female. Inner Tuition Life has a music department within the business that performs the role and provides services like a record music label or music forum. The organisation is a member of both Australasian Performing Right Association and Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (APRA and AMCOS). Refer to our websites to view more detail. 

Inner Tuition Life has contributed to a global economy to inspire innovative creation by providing advice on manufacturing processes at “home” that follow a “Do It Yourself” approach to reduce costs associated with waste, pollution and competition in a commercial industry. 

Refer to the website in order to appreciate the existing products and services that are aligned to the healing/personal development including Alternative Therapy, Healing, Manufacturing, Personal/Business Development Planning, Accounting/Business/Tax Advisory & Teaching Services as the main business components.

The products in our manufacturing chain include mainly skin, body and hair care products.  Included in the range are beauty, healing/cure/treatment, fragrances, cooking recipes and cleaning products. Most of our products are created with a view towards a friendly environment

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Not for Profit
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