Privacy Statement

The personal information you provide on this form is being collected by Council to enable you to submit your nomination to the One Wyndham Project (‘project’).  Your personal information, and the personal information of the nominee and their parent/guardian (if applicable) will be used by Council in accordance with the One Wyndham Nomination Terms and Conditions.  The personal information will be stored in Council’s Customer Database, with access restricted to those facilitating the project, and used to identify you when communicating with Council.  For further information about how your personal information is handled, refer to Council’s Privacy Policy.

I am (required)
Gender (required)
Please answer the below questions in 150 words or less

NOTE: Answers can be dot points and no more than 150 words per answer.


    Where the nominator is aged under 18 years, the nominator must have their parent/guardian’s consent to submit the nomination, and the nominator acknowledges and agrees that Council may contact the nominator’s parent /guardian listed on the nomination form at any time to confirm that consent has been provided.



    1. Nominees must be aged between 12 and 25 and must live, work, study or socialise in Wyndham.  Council staff, Councillors, members of Wyndham’s Youth Task Force and their immediate family members are ineligible for nomination.
  2. 2.2 The nominator must obtain the nominee’s consent prior to submitting a nomination.  Where the nominee is aged under 18 years, the nominator must have the consent of the nominee’s parent/guardian to submit the nomination.  Council may contact the nominee’s parent/guardian listed on the nomination form at any time to confirm that consent has been provided.

    3.1 Nominations for the project will open quarterly.  The application period for each quarter is:

    3.2 To submit a nomination for the project, nominators must submit a properly completed nomination form at during an application period.  Nominations which are incomplete or received outside of an application period will not be accepted.

    3.3 Nominators agree to immediately notify Council of any changes to their nomination, including the request to withdraw their nomination by emailing

    3.4 Council accepts no responsibility for late, lost, incomplete, invalid or corrupt nominations.


    4.1 Following the closing of each application period, Council staff and members of the Youth Task Force will assess all applications and nominations received and will select three people to participate in the project.

    4.2 Nominees who are selected to participate in the project will be contacted by Council and required to confirm their participation in the project.


    5.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of these conditions, and regardless of whether a person’s participation in the project has been confirmed by Council, Council expressly reserves the right to cancel, change or modify the project or these conditions at any time.

    5.2 Council reserves the right to change or modify these terms and conditions at any time.

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