Street address
11 Reynolds Court
Postal address
11 Reynolds court Werribee

The recognition that the traditional healthcare approach is not fully effective at supporting health behaviour change in an era of chronic diseases has led to the emergence and growth of a new approach to the prevention and treatment of lifestyle-related diseases – the practice of health coaching.  Long-term health behaviour change requires a different approach to acute disease management. To achieve sustainable health behaviours and outcomes, patients need to be supported in behaviour change techniques that promote self-efficacy, self-determination, and self-responsibility.

We realise there is a huge problem with lifestyle-related illness and they are clogging our healthcare system. Through coaching, positive psychology and motivational interviewing, we find clients changing their behaviours and being exercising, having good nutrition and changes to lifestyle by not being sedentary improves their optimal health. 

Our services include:

1. Stress management 

2. Preventing and managing chronic illness 

3. Weightloss

4. Better manage a chronic condition

5. Quit smoking or drink less alcohol 

We also do workshops for business to help them support their staff with;

1. Stress amanagement 

2. Work/life balance 

3. Sleep better

4. Improve energy levels

5. overall happiness 

These workshops improve the turnover and retention of employees. 

Managed by
Private Company
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