Wyndham City Council Plan 2021-25

The Council Plan 2021-2025 describes how the currently elected Council will work towards delivering the community’s priorities in line with the long-term aspirations described in the Wyndham 2040 Community Vision.

The Council Plan 2021-25 is structured around eight strategic areas and includes a range of strategies to describe what Council is working towards, as well as indicators to help us know how we are progressing.

It is focused on liveability, equality and being a welcoming and inclusive city, the environment, economic prosperity, good customer service, community engagement, public value and financial sustainability.

The Council Plan has been informed by analysis of relevant data, trends and research and State and Federal policy directions and extensive community engagement, including deliberative engagement, through the ‘Help Shape Wyndham’s Future’ project.

The Council Plan is supported by a suite of Council Adopted Strategies, Plans and Policies which inform Council work and action on a range of issues.

The Council Plan 2021-25 was adopted in October 2021.

Download the Council Plan 2021-25

Community Consultation

Developing the Council Plan 2021-25

In November 2020 Council embarked on the biggest community engagement initiative in Wyndham's history. ‘Help Shape Wyndham’s Future’ was a conversation that spanned over six months, with thousands of ideas shared over multiple platforms. It included deliberative engagement via a series of community conversations.

View a report outlining the findings from the Help Shape Wyndham’s Future project.

View the Help Shape Wyndham’s Future Project Community Consultation data dashboard.

These findings contributed to the development of the refreshed Wyndham 2040 Community Vision, and have also informed Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan and Long Term Financial Plan.

Wyndham City’s key strategic documents reflect what the Wyndham community of today want for their future, and their aspirations for our City.

Community Consultation

Monitoring and Reporting Progress and Performance

Quarterly Progress Reporting

Implementation of the Council Plan is supported through the Major Initiatives and Initiatives (major projects, services or programs) identified annually in Council’s budget. Council will track the progress of these, alongside the organisation’s financial performance on a quarterly basis.





Annual Report

Council also measures its performance against the Council Plan through a range of indicators. These indicators help Council determine how well it is performing against the strategies identified. Some of these indicators are prescribed by the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) and others are part of the Annual Community Satisfaction Survey; both of which are reported annually through the Annual Report.

The Annual Report is a legislative requirement which outlines Wyndham City’s activities, achievements, challenges, and financial performance for the financial year. It also informs the community about the extent to which the commitments in the Council Plan were delivered.

View our Annual Reports

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