Street address
450 Diggers Rd, Werribee South VIC 3030
0417 361 758

Werribee Concert Band is a symphonic wind ensemble of woodwind, brass and percussion instruments.

Werribee Concert Band provides opportunities for musicians from the western suburbs to play in an ensemble which can attempt more sophisticated music than may be possible by school bands or other groups. The band also makes a contribution to community cultural activities through performances, and encourages the very highest standards of performance of which the players are capable.

Wyndham City supports Werribee Concert Band to produce its annual fundraising concert at Wyndham Cultural Centre by underwriting production costs.

The band is always looking for new players and new events to play at - contact the band for more information about how to get involved. Visit the Werribee Concert Band website for more details or find Werribee Concert Band on Facebook

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