Business Directory
Wyndham City's Business Directory includes businesses operating throughout the municipality. With over 32,000 businesses operating in Wyndham, the directory aims to support residents and businesses in sourcing their products and services, locally.
Please note, Wyndham City does not endorse or claim a relationship with the businesses listed in the directory which is provided in good faith as a reference point for the Wyndham community.
The directory is not a full list of all businesses in Wyndham, however we encourage businesses not currently listed to register their details for inclusion. The register supports businesses and residents by:
- Encouraging buy local opportunities
- Helping businesses source local suppliers and clients
- Providing a resource for the community
How to register your Business
To appear in the Wyndham Business Directory complete the online registration form. Your submission will be reviewed and a notification email will be sent.
Changes to your current Business Listing
Industry Capability Network (ICN) Gateway
The ICN Gateway is an online database that links suppliers and service providers with projects across Australia and New Zealand.
You can register your business on the ICN Gateway for free and submit expressions of interest for relevant projects.
The Industry Capability Network (ICN) started more than 30 years ago and is an independent organisation financially supported by Australian, New Zealand, state and territory governments.
To find out about permits required for business signage contact Wyndham City’s Town Planning Department.