There will be no bin collections on Good Friday, 18 April 2025. As a result, if your collection day is usually Friday, your bins will be collected on the following day, Saturday 19 April 2025.
Please note all bins will be collected as normal on Easter Monday.
Wyndham City currently offers three waste collection services to most households.
Garbage Bin Size: Red (140L) |
Recycling Bin Size:240L |
Green Waste Bin Size:240L |
Important things to know:
- If you need to report a damaged,missing or stolen bin or would like to order an additional bin or green bin visit Household Bin Requests.
- Your green waste bin is 240L in size and is collected fortnightly and is an optional service with an annual fee.
- To find out how and where to sort you waste visit the A - Z Interactive Residential Waste Guide.
- Find my bin collection day or download a Waste Collection Calendar and Map
- Place your bin out a night before your collection day
- If your bin is not collected by 5pm on the your bin collection day, you can let us know by raising a request on our Request and Issues Portal or calling our customer service team on 1300 023 411.
- Place bins side by side near the kerb with handles facing away from the road
- Leave 50cm space between bins and 1 metre clear of trees, light and power poles, parked vehicles and driveways.
- Ensure recycling bin and green waste bin are placed out on the correct day, as they are collected on alternate weeks.
- Bring your bins back to your property within 24 hours of collection
- Do not squash the items in the bin, this can result in the waste being jammed and difficulty when emptying
- Place waste inside the bin: extra bags or boxes will not be collected
- Make sure the bin lid can close and do not fill to more than 70kg
- If you live in a court, mark your bin with your house number and place it on the straight section of the street. Please do not park your vehicles in the court on the day of your collection as it prevents the waste vehicles from being able to turn and can disrupt collection
About your Garbage Bin - (Red Lid Bin)
Wyndham currently have two different colour and size garbage bins:
- Red (140L)
What you can and can't place in your bin
Accepted Items | Unaccepted Items |
Where does my waste from this bin go:
Waste that is put into the garbage bin is taken to landfill where it is buried and compressed underground. It is important to recycle as much as possible to ensure these natural resources aren’t lost and are used to create new products instead.
About your Recycle Bins (Yellow Lid bins)
Your Recycle bin has a yellow lid and is 240L in size. Collections for this bin are fortnightly.
What you can and can't place in your bin
Accepted Items | Unaccepted Items |
Where does my waste from this bin go:
Contents of this bin goes to Visy Recycling Facility. Ensure items are loose so they can be sorted and recycled.
About Green Waste Bins (Green Lid Bins) - Optional
Your green waste bin is 240L in size and is collected fortnightly and is an optional service with an annual fee.
More can be recycled in Green-lid bins!
Our green-lid bin service now allows you to recycle more types of food waste, not just fruit and vegetable scraps. If you have food scraps from leftovers, or are cleaning out your fridge, you can now recycle all your food waste (without packaging) into your green-lid bin.
You can also still add your grass, branches, leaves, and weeds.
By recycling food and green waste, you’re diverting waste from going to landfill which is beneficial for the environment, as it reduces the creation of harmful greenhouse gases.
The food and green waste is recycled into compost and mulch that is then used on farms or parks and gardens.
Items that can be recycled in a green-lid bin includes:
What can go in a green-lid bin | What can’t go in a green-lid bin |
Kitchen Caddies
Residents who opt for the green waste service are eligible to obtain a free kitchen caddy for their food waste from one of our collection points.
Collection Points
Wyndham City Council Civic Centre - 45 Princes Hwy, Werribee VIC 3030
Manor Lakes Community Learning Centre - 86 Manor Lakes Blvd, Manor Lakes VIC 3024
Tarneit Community Learning Centre - 150 Sunset Views Blvd, Tarneit VIC 3029
Point Cook Community Learning Centre - 1/21 Cheetham St, Point Cook VIC 3030
Where does my waste from this bin go?
Green waste is sorted and transformed into rich compost at the Veolia composting facility. This compost can be used in parks and gardens in Wyndham.
Where do you place your bin for collection
Storing of Bins:
On non-collection days, all your bins must be stored on your property, not on the footpath, street or nature strip. Bins left out on the street, footpath or nature strip can create safety hazards and cause littering problems if they get knocked over. They're also more likely to be damaged, stolen or lost. Please contact council if you have problems storing your bin on your property between collections.
For Houses on Courts:
If you live in a court please:
- Mark your bin with your house number
- Please place bins on the straight section of the street - not in the bowl or 'T'
- Do not park vehicles in court bowl or 'T' on collection day. This prevents waste vehicles from being able to turn and can disrupt collection.
Apartment or Unit:
Not all apartments and unit developments have bins collected by us. Some have private waste collections which have different arrangements and may accept different items. Please check with your property manager or owner’s corporation.
Need more help knowing what goes where?
Related documents
- Waste - Waste Collection Map and Calendar (PDF, 1.92 MB)
- Waste and Recycling Guide (PDF, 4.8 MB)